Experimental and theoretical feasibility study on the use of TRR medical room for BNCT

Document Type : Research Paper



Recent researches show that the thermal column of TRR is an appropriate facility which can be modified for epithermal BNCT. The main need modification is to remove all graphite blocks from it but at present it is impossible. The most important challenge is the high gamma dose rate in the thermal column. The other alternative facility for BNCT is the TRR medical room. In this work an experimental and theoretical investigation on the use of this room for BNCT has been presented. The experimental investigation consists of (1) the possibility of operation of the reactor core in the open pool position, and (2) measurement of neutron energy spectrum near the eastern side of the reactor core. The theoretical investigation consists of MCNP Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the epithermal neutron flux at the patient position. Multi-foil activation method and SANDII unfolding code were used to measure the neutron energy spectrum. The MCNP simulation was consisted of the reactor core, medical room, reactor pool and a beam tube (between the core and patient position). The results show that in view of the technical aspects, the reactor core can operate in the open pool position. In an experiment the reactor core operate in this position for 20 min at 30 kW power. MCNP result shows that by considering a special in-pool BSA an appropriate epithermal neutron beam (~5×109 ncm-2s-1) could be achieved.
