Measurment of backscattering of 0.662 MeV gamma from the various thickness of the lead, iron and aluminum shield

Document Type : Research Paper



The scattering of gamma photons backward from the surface of a material is named as backscattering of gamma this study, to evaluate the gamma backscattering, various shield of lead, aluminum and iron in the disk form of approximately 0.1 cm thick and a diameter of 18 cm were prepared. There is also a gamma source of cesium 137 were placed between the shield and NaI(Tl) detector and gamma spectra were recorded. In order to study the effect of the thickness of the shield in the amount of gamma backscattering, so at each step of the experiment 0.1 cm thick shield are added and every time the gamma ray spectrum is enrolled and It was observed that change the thickness of the panel is cause to change behind area of the maximum level backscattering (that it can be seen in Approximately energy of 0.250 MeV in the energy of Spectra recorded gamma) and in a certain thickness that has the name saturated thickness the backscattering reach to the maximum possible.
