In this research, shielding and criticality safety calculations carried out for interim storage and transportation cask in the Tehran Research Reactor. Such dual purpose cask is being designed to the spent fuel elements of research reactors. The Monte Carlo MCNP5 code calculation was utilized for the criticality safety analysis and ORIGEN2.1code was used for shielding calculation. According to the results, a cylinder of lead body with thickness, top and bottom, 18, 13 and 13 cm respectively, as cask dual meet the design criteria that can be accepted.
Mohammadi, A., Hasanzadeh, M., Gharib, M., & Maleki, A. (2015). Shielding and criticality safety analyses for spent fuel transportation cask in Tehran research reactor. Journal of Radiation and Nuclear Technology, 2(1), 1-7.
Asghar Mohammadi; Mostafa Hasanzadeh; Morteza Gharib; Ali Maleki. "Shielding and criticality safety analyses for spent fuel transportation cask in Tehran research reactor". Journal of Radiation and Nuclear Technology, 2, 1, 2015, 1-7.
Mohammadi, A., Hasanzadeh, M., Gharib, M., Maleki, A. (2015). 'Shielding and criticality safety analyses for spent fuel transportation cask in Tehran research reactor', Journal of Radiation and Nuclear Technology, 2(1), pp. 1-7.
Mohammadi, A., Hasanzadeh, M., Gharib, M., Maleki, A. Shielding and criticality safety analyses for spent fuel transportation cask in Tehran research reactor. Journal of Radiation and Nuclear Technology, 2015; 2(1): 1-7.