Assessment of mass attenuation coefficient of lead nanoparticles for variety of gamma source

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in Department of Physics


In this study, exposure to gamma-ray attenuation coefficient in the thickness of the nanoparticle PBO and lead nitrate was discussed. The accurate measurements were done on the sources of gamma rays CS137, Ra226 and Sr90 by Geiger Muller detector. The γ-rays exposure is not a major concern because strontium-90 emits no gamma radiation and its decay product yttrium-90 emits only a small amount. Strontium-90 decays to yttrium-90 by emitting a beta particle, and yttrium-90 decays by emitting a more energetic beta particle with a Where the radiation energy is less than 0.001 MeV.
The obtained data revealed that the overall from experiments that most mass attenuation coefficient in lead oxide nanoparticles of lead nitrate. The results obtained for the mass attenuation coefficient μ (cm2 / g) observed that the effect is an increase in the thickness of the sample in the weakening of radiation is very high. The result less than the thickness of lead nanoparticles be used to making gamma radiation protection shields similar lead, this will be permitted to achieve the minimum weaken the shields lighter than lead shields the previous.
