Design and construction of multipurpose moderator with Am-Be neutron source

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, Department of physics, Faculty of science, Arak University, Arak

2 Associate Professor, Department of physics, Faculty of science, Arak University, Arak

3 M.Sc, Department of physics, Faculty of science, Arak University, Arak


In this paper, design and construction of multipurpose neutron moderator, collimator and shielding were studied for Am-Be neutron source. Monte Carlo Code MCNP4‍X was used to obtain the maximum neutron flux in the collimator outlet for various moderator materials. Between of moderator material such  H2O, D2O, C, Be, BeO and paraffin, the solidparaffin with molecular formula C25H52  has been chosen which has optimum efficient and minimum  Thermalization  Factor (TF) as 9.6×1010 cm2. Using a collimator design assembly it was possible to obtain a normalized thermal neutron flux, equals 2.29×10-5( ) at an effective collimator ratio of 4.4. For various channel outlet of designed neutron moderator, neutron and photon flux calculated. The shielding optimization process significantly reduced total dose equivalent rates. Neutron and gamma dose measured that are in good agreement with MCNP4X code calculation.
