The Design of a BNCT Treatment Room with a 20MeV Electron Accelerator

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc., Application of Radiation Research, Nuclear Science & Technology Research Institute, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Physics Department, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.


In this paper, the BNCT treatment room has been proposed. Assumed neutron source was based on the photoneutron generated from 20MeV Linac. It was assumed that the designed treatment room with inner area equal to 7×9 m2 has been made of ordinary concrete. To reduce sum of photon and neutron dose rate less than 1µSv/hr behind the wall, the thickness of primary and secondary walls was calculated 180 cm and 150 cm, respectively. The window which is considered to monitor the patient situation from outside the room was consisted of 40 cm mineral oil, 70 cm lead glass and 40 cm plain glass. As the entrance of the room, two-bend maze with equivalent length of 13 m has been designed. Thickness of 26 cm ordinary concrete with thin layers of lead on their both sides has also been considered for the door at the entrance of the maze. 
