Low Resolution Gamma Spectrums Fitting by Widget Function

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty Advanced Sciences and Technologies, University of Isfahan

2 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan


Sodium iodide crystals with a very small amount of thallium as impurities are used to detect gamma spectrums. On the other hand, due to the importance of quantitative and qualitative identification of radionuclide impurities in the production of radiophones and general use, the topic of spectrometry is very important and should be done with extreme accuracy. Specifically, the corresponding signal processing also needs to be done accurately.
Considering these cases, one of the effective factors in the accuracy of peak detection and its sub surface in low Resolution gamma spectroscopy is the type of distribution functions that used to curve fitting. In this research, according to existing software, the effects of each Gaussian, Lorentzian, Logistic, Pearson and Widget functions were investigated for fitting the peaks. Also, the cobalt-60 and cesium-137 spectrum was prepared to compare difference between distribution functions using a 2-inch sodium iodide detector. In the end, the results showed that the widget and Gaussian functions are less error-prone than other functions and are more suitable for low-resolution gamma spectrum analysis.
