Neutron radiography for Evaluation of Designs and Defects of Cultural Vase of Samiran at Tehran Research Reactor

Document Type : Research Paper



Neutron radiography (NR) is a useful technique in non-destructive testing (NDT) of cultural heritage objects. NR is complementary to X and gamma radiography. A new NR beam line has recently been built at the Tehran Research Reactor (TRR) in order to expand the national applications of NR. The examination and characterization of internal structure and composition can be difficult task, in particular for cultural heritage objects. With NRو it is possible to visualize hydrogen-containing materials inside metal artefacts much better than with X-rays. In this research, a historical object has been radiographed by means of new neutron beam line of TRR. The object was a vase from Samiran region of Qazvin Province, Iran. The digital neutron radiography technique was used by the digital imaging plates (or Computed Radiography: CR). The image was obtained and saved in digital format. Digital image processing was implemented for enhancing the image. This was the first neutron radiography image of new NR facility at TRR. The results showed that the new system can be used effectively for the neutron radiography of cultural heritage objects.
